zaterdag 23 november 2013

How to learn to love yourself unconditionaly

Wondering how to learn to love yourself? SEE THE BEST in you!
Wondering how to learn to love yourself? SEE THE BEST in you!
You may be wondering how to learn to love yourself if you’re plagued by self-doubt, anger and regrets directed at yourself. Self-love is the key to receiving love. Self-love means accepting yourself as you are, and it means making a commitment to improve yourself; and, although it’s a process, it’s easy to learn to love yourself.
To attract love, you must give love. To give and receive love, you must FEEL love; and BE love. So working from the inside out, feeling/being love and radiating it outward, freely and unconditionally, will effortlessly attract love and other wonderful energies.

How to create love deep within yourself

1. Give love unconditionally. Treat other people with unconditional love and respect. Bring joy to others’ lives. But… unconditionally, never with any expectation of receiving love in return. True love, including love for yourself, is unconditional.
2. Forgive yourself and forgive others. Release the past. Learn from it. Your challenges and screw-ups are valuable lessons if you choose to see them that way instead of choosing to see them as a reflection of your shortcomings. Don’t hold on to the negative energy of guilt, regret, resentment, anger or jealousy. The only one you’re hurting by clinging to this negativity is you. This doesn’t mean condoning bad behavior, it’s simply a release of the negative emotions you associate with an event.
Don't focus on what others think of you.
Don’t focus on what others think of you.
3. Speak kindly about and to yourself. Don’t ridicule yourself, put yourself down or judge yourself. Your words and your actions are dictated by your belief system; so if you’re unhappy about something you’ve done in the past, use the Silva Method to dig deep into your subconscious mind, figure out what prompted you to act that way, and why.
All beliefs can be changed because they are not you; they were created by you and can be un-created too! The Silva self-mastery exercises will help you to understand what makes you tick; and if your results are less than what you want them to be, you can change your inner programming! Using the Silva Method to reprogram your self-limiting beliefs will help you celebrate your accomplishments, and learn profoundly from your mistakes.
4. Stop being so focused on what other people think about you. If you think you’re pretty and you’ve heard other people make negative comments about your looks, think about why, on some level, you believe them or why you allow it to upset you. If you know you are talented at something and someone has said unkind things about your skills, the same applies. WHY they think what they think is irrelevant to you. You are simply making a choice to be affected by other people’s thoughtless (or even calculated) negativity. You can always work on yourself and improve yourself, but don’t let other people’s opinions dictate how you think about yourself! Their comments and actions reflect their beliefs. They have nothing to do with you!
5. Choose to see yourself as your best friend sees you. When you look at your best friend, do you focus on his or her faults, or do you see what is wonderful, unique, appealing and interesting? Treat yourself as you treat your best friend: with love, appreciation, kindness, respect and complete acceptance.
Express who you really are!
Express who you really are!
6. Keep improving yourself. Treat yourself like a masterpiece in the works. Every Mona Lisa, every Last Supper… began with nothing but potential; surely the artist made mistakes along the way, but instead of throwing the canvas into the trash heap, corrected them, learned from them, and moved on.
7. Don’t let your accomplishments or lack of accomplishment define you. YOU are NOT what you have done or failed to do; you are not your bank balance; you are not your relationship status; you are not your appearance.
8. Express yourself. This refers back to not being so caught up in what others think of you. You have every right to be who you are. If others don’t “get” you, that’s their problem, not yours! Don’t dumb yourself down or change who you are just to be a people-pleaser!
9. Start the day with a smile at yourself and at least three positive statements: stand in front of the mirror, look at yourself, and SMILE. Then say three positive “I am” statements about yourself – and feel them, too!
Another time to use “I am” statements is in meditation; when you’re doing your Silva Method self-mastery exercises, remember to use “I am” because it is a very powerful manifesting phrase!
10. Work on receiving love. Part of love is giving, but you have to be able to receive it too! Not accepting the love that people want to give you is a sign of low self-esteem. When someone gives you a compliment, graciously accept it! When someone wants to be friends, be a great friend! Give others the joy of giving you love! Accept yourself as they accept you!
11. Set boundaries. Low self-love is often characterized by being a people-pleaser at your own expense. Learn to say NO, without guilt. You have every right to focus you energies on what is important to you. When your heart says no and your mouth says yes, you are denying yourself! Say, “Thanks so much for thinking about me but I can’t commit to anything right now.” Saying no is hard to do if you don’t feel good about yourself.
The Silva limit-releasing exercises will help reprogram negative core beliefs you hold about yourself and give you the inner strength to set clear boundaries and be true to your own needs and desires.
12. Step up the self-care. Exercise more; do something that gives you peace and that you love to do. Eat the most nutritious foods. Avoid toxic people and substances. The mind and body are one; to take care of the mind, you must care for the body, and vice-versa.
The more you love yourself, the more you will attract love. Your energetic vibration will change; and then, watch the good things you desire come flooding into your life!

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